Peer Review Process

Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil applies the following review/review process policies:

  1. All submitted manuscripts are sent to Handling Editorfor checking article focus and scope, conformity with the Journal template, and similarity. The similarity is evaluated by using Turnitin.
  2. In this process, the editor will establish communication with the author so that the manuscript deserves to be sent to the Reviewer or even returned/declined. Therefore, please stay mobile number on the web of Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil when submitting the process.
  3. Manuscripts that have passed the Editor's evaluation are sent to at least anonymous reviewerswho evaluate them for originality, validity, novelty, methodology, and the importance of content and conclusions.
  4. The time required for peer-review process is eight weeks.
  5. When reviews are completed, authors receive editor’s decision with reviewers’ comments. The recommendations for the manuscript are accepted with minor correction, Revision required with mayor correction, or decline. Authors have to revise accordingly within two weeksafter notification email from editor.
  6. Editors will decide taking into account the advice of reviewers whether or not the manuscript meets the requirements.
  7. The editor's decision is final.