Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil 2024-05-18T23:15:09+07:00 Merley Misriani Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil</strong> is a media online for academics, practitioners, and those interested in civil engineering problems to exchange information and experience by expressing ideas, thoughts, solutions, and problem-solving. This journal&nbsp;is a scientific journal, peer-reviewed and open access, freely available online without a subscription, and free of charge in the submission and review processes.&nbsp;This journal&nbsp;is managed and published by the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) of the Politeknik Negeri Padang. The focus and scope of this journal are on the results of research in structural engineering, geotechnical, water resources, construction engineering management, transportation, roads, bridges, and materials.&nbsp;The journal publishes periodically twice a year, namely in April and October.&nbsp;</p> Analisis Keselamatan dan Keamanan Di Stasiun Manggarai Sebagai Simpul Konektivitas Berdasarkan Standar Pelayanan Minimum dan Persepsi Penumpang 2024-04-01T10:47:00+07:00 Ayu Wardani Muhammad Zudhy Irawan Sigit Priyanto <p><em>Manggarai Station serves as a transit hub for both commuter and airport trains, making it the busiest and the most crowded train station in Jakarta. This situation can lead to safety and security issues. This research was conducted to assess the safety and security facilities at Manggarai railway station and determine their compliance with the Minimum Service Standards for Railway Passenger Transport, comparing them with passengers' perceptions of the safety and security facilities. The analytical methods used in this research were crosstab analysis and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Crosstab analysis was employed to examine the relationship between respondents' socio-demographic characteristic and travel characteristics, as well as their relationship with safety and security variables at the station. IPA was used to assess the quality of safety and security facility performance at Manggarai Station based on passengers' perceptions. The research findings indicated that several safety and security facilities at Manggarai Station unable to meet the Minimum Service Standards for Railway Passenger Transport. These included wide gaps between platforms and train bodies, uneven platform and train floors, inadequate information and assembly points, and narrow and obstructed pathways within the station. According to passengers' perceptions, there were five attributes of safety and security facility performance that had low ratings: gaps between platforms and train bodies, platform and train floors, escalators, assembly points, and barriers between platforms and trains. </em><em>safety, security, manggarai station, passenger perseptions,</em> <em>minimum service standards </em></p> 2024-04-01T10:46:24+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Studi Komparasi Standar Pengujian Statis Pada Kereta dengan Penggerak Sendiri Berkecepatan Normal 2024-04-02T15:17:46+07:00 Prabowo Ardiatomo Siti Malkhamah M. Arif Wibisono <p><em>Railways are a unified system consisting of infrastructure, </em><em>rolling stock</em><em> and human resources as well as norms, criteria, requirements and procedures for the operation of </em><em>railways</em><em>. Every </em><em>rolling stock</em><em> operating in Indonesia must undergo first testing and periodic testing to ensure its operational feasibility. From data Directorate General of Railways in 2015-2021, it can be seen that the realization of the eligibility certificate for </em><em>rolling stock</em><em> has not been optimal, so </em><em>that </em><em>regulatory support is needed to maximize the performance of </em><em>rolling stock</em><em> testers.</em> <em>This study aims to compare the standards for static testing of temperature and air circulation on self-propelled </em><em>coach</em><em> applied in Indonesia and Europe. Based on a comparison of the static testing standards in Indonesia against the static testing standards in Europe, it is hoped that recommendations for improvement from the current static testing standards will be obtained. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Analysis of the data used using descriptive and comparative analysis.</em> <em>The results of the study comparison of the standard static testing of temperature and air circulation of self-propelled trains that apply in Indonesia and Europe, </em><em>overall</em><em> there are differences in the items tested, the value of acceptance and testing procedures. The</em><em>re</em> <em>are equal only in</em><em> the item tested </em><em>on</em><em> air circulation static test. Temperature testing requires the addition of test items and improvements in the implementation of test procedures. Air circulation static testing needs improvement in the implementation of testing procedures.</em></p> 2024-04-02T15:17:46+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Waste Management Pada Proyek Konstruksi Perumahan untuk Mendukung Bangunan Ramah Lingkungan 2024-04-02T15:35:18+07:00 Ester Klaudia Tamara Subrata Aditama K.A. Uda Waluyo Nuswantoro <p>Berkembangnya suatu daerah sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan perekonomian, perkembangan tersebut didukung oleh berbagai sektor salah satunya sektor konstruksi. Sektor konstruksi memiliki dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan yaitu masalah limbah. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan waste management yang tepat dan efektif. Salah satu metode untuk mengetahui tingkat penerapan waste management dalam pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi adalah dengan melakukan penilaian terhadap setiap tindakan penanganan limbah dalam suatu proyek konstruksi, salah satunya dapat dinilai menggunakan metode <em>Waste Management Performance Evaluation Tool</em> (WMPET). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi waste management yang dominan dan untuk menghitung nilai seberapa efektif implementasi waste management yang telah dilakukan oleh developer. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan wawancara terhadap developer yang terdaftar dan memiliki keanggotaan aktif di DPD REI Kalimantan Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator implementasi <em>waste management</em> yang paling dominan pada proyek konstruksi perumahan di Kota Palangka Raya adalah mencegah pemesanan material yang berlebihan, menggunakan material sesuai standar yang ditetapkan, dan mengurangi risiko kehilangan material selama proses pengangkutan dan penyimpanan. Nilai hasil perhitungan keefektifan <em>waste management</em> berdasarkan penilaian (WMPET) didapatkan sebesar 543,96 dari nilai 1000. Nilai tersebut berada pada rentang indeks 401 – 600 dan mendapat predikat buruk yang berarti bahwa manajemen limbah konstruksi pada perumahan oleh developer di Kota Palangka Raya tidak efektif untuk mengurangi limbah konstruksi maupun meningkatkan kegiatan daur ulang limbah konstruksi.&nbsp; Selanjutnya saran yang diberikan dari penelitian ini, diharapkan developer mempertimbangkan upaya membuat perencanaan manajemen limbah pada proyek konstruksi perumahan untuk meningkatkan keefektifan waste management karena manajemen limbah konstruksi hanya berdasarkan kebiasan dan kebijakan pekerja dalam menangani limbah, diharapkan pihak pemerintah dapat mempertimbangkan untuk mengadakan sosialisasi/pelatihan tentang manajemen limbah konstruksi kepada developer yang berguna untuk meningkatkan penerapan manajemen limbah pada proyek perumahan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-02T15:29:09+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Produktivitas dan Faktor Pengaruh Kinerja Tukang Pemasangan Hebel Menggunakan Productivity Rating (Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Villa Obao 2, Seminyak, Kuta, Badung) 2024-04-03T11:01:46+07:00 Ni Putu Silvi I Komang Alit Astrawan Putra I Wayan Dela Krisna <p><em>The success of each job in a construction project influences the success of the project, where labor productivity factors influence the success of a project. If one project activity has problems, it will greatly affect other project activities because construction project activities are interrelated. Labor management is one of the problems that often causes delays in construction work. The lack of effectiveness of the workforce in carrying out their work makes it very difficult to obtain good productivity values. Smoking, taking breaks and eating during working hours are examples of activities that cause less productive work. Hebel wall installation work is a large volume job and requires a large amount of labor. From the description of the problems found related to labor productivity, this research will carry out an analysis of the productivity of the labor installing hebel installation and the influencing factors of labor productivity installing hebel installation on the construction of the Villa Obao 2 project on Jalan Raya Double Six, Seminyak, Kuta, Badung, Bali. This research uses the Productivity Rating method to determine the value of labor productivity in hebel installation work and distributes questionnaires to analyze factors influencing hebel labor productivity. The results of the analysis of labor productivity observed for 7 days, the average LUR value for workers installing hebel was 67.8% &gt; 50%. Of the 10 factors influencing productivity, only 3 factors have a significant influence on productivity. These factors are the Wage Suitability factor (X3) with an influence value of 4.094, the Motivation factor (X7) with an influence value&nbsp;</em><em>of 4.133, and the Communication Relations Factor between Employees (X9) with an influence value of 5.498.</em></p> 2024-04-03T11:01:46+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Identifikasi Kapasitas Tampang Minimum dan Stabilitas Mulut Muara Sungai Siak Propinsi Riau 2024-04-04T11:27:51+07:00 Bambang Sujatmoko Rizki Pratama Andy Hendri Rinaldi Rinaldi <p><em>Changes in river mouth section capacity caused by instability of river mouth stability would influence flow conditions in upstream estuaries, as impacted by unsmooth drainage of river flow. Section river capacity and mouth river stability of Siak River would be evaluated by the output of tidal prism at the estuary. The tidal prism was predicted by Hecras software. Input data for hydrodynamic simulation consisted of river geometric data, river bed condition, and boundary condition (discharge and water level). The maximum daily rainfall data and Siak’s catchment parameter could predict flood discharge. Longshore sediment transport netto data could be calculated using wave depth data, wave velocity data and direction of wave around the mouth river. The results of the tidal prism calculation show that the existing cross-sectional area of the mouth of the Siak River estuary can only drain the volume of water due to discharge and tides in the 2-year return period (Amin = 3,115 m2 &lt; A ada = 3,225 m2), while for discharge with other return periods, the capacity of the cross-section river is not sufficient. The excess discharge will flow upstream as a backwater. Siak River mouth stability is still relatively good and stable, with a stability number (S) of more than 388,0 (requirement: S &gt; 150). The start of the backwater effect at KM+220 (60 km from the mouth of the river) caused a significant change in water level (0.94 m) due to the damming of the flow caused by the influence of tides and the bifurcation node of the river (delta).</em></p> 2024-04-04T11:27:51+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Limbah Beton Sebagai Agregat Kasar Pada Campuran AC-BC dengan LGA 50/30 2024-04-04T12:26:32+07:00 Tantin Pristyawati Diky Candra Nugraha <p><em>Road infrastructure has a function as one of the supporters of the development of an area. The Road infrastructure still used today is a flexible pavement composed of a mixture of asphalt and aggregate, which is heated and then compacted. Asphalt serves as a binder in the flexible pavement to maintain density and resist the weathering of aggregates caused by weather. It is an innovative additive used in concrete waste to replace rough aggregates. Adding LGA B50/30 in a base mixture is expected to be an alternative to improving the quality of the base mix and supporting the government in the use of domestic products.</em> <em>The study aims to determine how marshall is characterized if concrete waste is used in the AC-BC Ashburton mix as a substitute for rough aggregates and whether it meets the requirements of the Binna Marga Specification. The study was conducted experimentally with marshal characteristic parameters density, VIM (Void In Mix), VMA (Void In Mineral Aggregate), VFA (Void Filled with Asphalt), stability, and Marshall Quotient. (MQ). The Optimum Asphalt Rate used is 6.5%. The result is the density decreases with the addition of concrete waste levels, with the highest value at the 30% concrete waste level of 2,408 gr/cc. The increase in the VIM value with the addition of the concrete residue level has a higher value at a rate of 70% or 4.66%. The highest MQ is at a 50% concrete waste rate of 334.04 kg/mm. The study results show that waste concrete innovation materials can be used in Asbuton AC-BC mixtures with levels not exceeding 60%. Based on this research, concrete waste can be an alternative to natural aggregate substitutes.</em></p> 2024-04-04T12:26:32+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum Terhadap Karakteristik Tanah Lempung 2024-04-19T13:20:29+07:00 Yayuk Apriyanti Nova Dinda Lestari Ferra Fahriani Endang S Hisyam Boy Dian Anugra Sandy <p><em>Clay soil is a type of soil that has problems because it has high plasticity, a low carrying capacity, and is prone to settlement. This soil condition can be found in the Hanging Tramble, Pangkalpinang City. This study aims to determine the effect of FGD waste gypsum on clay soils, the maximum value of soil shear strength, and the minimum value of soil consolidation settlement. The stabilizing agent used in this study was</em> <em>Flue Gas Desulfurization </em>(<em> FGD) waste gypsum with a mixture of 10%, 15%, and 20% FGD waste gypsum </em><em>from the dry weight of the soil.</em><em>, for a total of 39 samples of the test object. </em><em>Testing in this research uses Indonesian National Standards (SNI)</em>.<em>The test results obtained the maximum value of the shear strength of the soil in the FGD waste variations of gypsum at 15%,&nbsp;which is 115.243 kN/m<sup>2</sup>, and in the 20% FGD gypsum waste mixture, the value of the shear strength of the soil decreased by 79.634 kN/m<sup>2</sup>. The minimum value for consolidation settlement was obtained from FGD waste variations (gypsum 20%), which is 0.683 cm. The minimum value obtained for consolidation settlement is influenced by the calcium content in the FGD waste gypsum,&nbsp;which can bind soil minerals so as to increase soil strength. It can be concluded that the maximum soil shear strength value occurs in the 15% FGD waste mixed sample variation gypsum, while the minimum soil consolidation settlement value is in the 20% mixed FGD waste mixture gypsum. </em></p> 2024-04-19T13:18:08+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Studi Kelayakan Struktur Dermaga Meulaboh Aceh Terhadap Beban Layan 2024-04-26T09:59:10+07:00 Humisar Pasaribu Bartolomeus Bartolomeus Luki Hariando Purba <p><em>This research aims to conduct a feasibility study on the Meulaboh port dock in Aceh. The port dock is a key infrastructure in supporting shipping and trade activities in the region. With continued economic growth and changing trade patterns, it is important to evaluate the feasibility and need to upgrade the Meulaboh port dock. The port dock feasibility study involves reviewing several analytical aspects, including technical, economic, environmental, and social aspects. However, in this research, the researcher only reviewed the technical aspects. Researchers will evaluate the physical condition and capacity of the pier so that barges can dock safely. The research methodology involved field surveys, secondary data analysis, and interviews with relevant stakeholders. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide clear guidance for decision-making regarding investment and development of the Meulaboh port pier.The research entitled Feasibility Study of the Meulaboh-Aceh Port Pier resulted in the conclusion that the pier can be berthed by barges measuring 270 feet. It is hoped that the results of this research can also be a basis for intelligent decision-making in efforts to improve and develop this important port infrastructure.</em> <em>The results of this research indicate that there has been damage to the jetty pier structure and significant corrosion to the breasting dolphin structure.</em> <em>The deformation due to service loads is very large in the damaged area of the pier jetty structure so it will definitely endanger users. Recommendations for this pier to continue functioning as public infrastructure require repairs.</em></p> 2024-04-26T09:03:08+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Workability Pasta Beton Modifikasi Dengan Pemanfaatan Abu Sekam Padi Menggunakan Superplasticizer 2024-04-26T09:56:57+07:00 Rama Putra Nugraha Zendy Bima Mahardana Sigit Winarto <p><em>Infrastructure development in Indonesia is the main focus of the government, especially in the construction sector with toll road projects, airports, high-speed rail lines, and smart cities in the new capital city. Concrete is becoming the main material in infrastructure because of its high compressive strength and relatively low cost. Aggregates, especially natural and artificial, play a key role in concrete structures. The growth in demand for natural aggregates has an impact on environmental damage due to mining. Innovations using Rice Husk Ash instead of natural aggregates emerged as an environmentally friendly solution. However, it is necessary to optimize the mix design and handle workability reduction with superplasticizers. The percentage of superplasticizers used is 0%, 0.52%, 0.54%, 0.56%, 0.58% of the total use of cement. In concrete workability tests, such as Flowability, Passingability, and Viscosity, it was found that a 0.54% SCCRHA mixture showed optimal performance. The Flowability</em> <em>test showed a Slump Flow runoff value of 77.5 cm (SF3 category), while the J-Ring test showed a runoff of 75 cm with 2.5 cm blocking (No Blocking). The Viscositytest showed T-500 and V-Funnel times of 1.8 seconds and 2.18 seconds, respectively, with VF1 and VS1 (good filling) classifications. The results showed that this mixture achieved the most effective design with a compressive strength of 25.17 MPa, showing an increase of 13% compared to the plan mixture</em></p> 2024-04-26T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Kinerja Layanan Angkutan Khusus Pariwisata Jogja Heritage Track 2024-04-29T22:44:48+07:00 Wahyu Triyono Siti Malkhamah Muhammad Zudhy Irawan <p><em>Referring to the vision and mission of the development of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, the local government is committed to advancing tourism as one of the leading sectors. One form of attention to cultural tourism is by revitalizing the Cosmological Axis area. The Cosmological Axis is an area in the form of an imaginary straight line between Tugu-Malioboro-Keraton to Panggung Krapyak which has been rearranged to its original shape. In order to support the Cosmological Axis towards world cultural heritage, the local government launched an educational tourism program called Jogja Heritage Track which is a tourist transportation service with a city tour concept. One year after the initial launch in July 2022, it was deemed necessary to evaluate the performance of the Jogja Heritage Track bus in terms of the service received by passengers. Gap Servqual was chosen as the analytical method in this study to assess how big the value of the gap that occurs between the level of service received by passengers and the expected performance. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to passengers and in-depth interviews with regulators and operators. Based on passenger perceptions, the quality of Jogja Heritage Track bus services is not completely good and still requires improvement. This is illustrated by the gap value of -0.09 and the service quality value of 0.98. Of the five Servqual dimensions (Physical Evidence, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy), the Empathy dimension is positive, which means that service performance on the Empathy dimension is in line with passenger expectations.</em></p> 2024-04-29T22:44:47+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Kuantitas, Kualitas, dan Kontinuitas Air di Sejumlah Pelanggan PDAM Tangkiling 2024-05-02T13:59:28+07:00 Cindy Laurensia Raden Haryo Saputra Allan Restu Jaya <p><em>This study aims to find out how the level of demand for clean water from the PDAM that is used by some people in the Bukit Batu District area in terms of technical factors and economic factors. </em><em>Because there are several problems for PDAM Tangkiling related to public complaints about the pungent smell of chlorine, cloudy water, and bad taste that affect the number of customers, a study was conducted on the quantity of water used in each household, </em><em>&nbsp;the quality of clean water from the PDAM that is used by some people in the Bukit Batu District as a fulfillment of their daily needs,</em><em> and</em><em> the continuity of the flow in PDAM Tangkiling and the level of customer satisfaction with PDAM Tangkiling services. This study uses the literature study method from data owned by PDAM Tangkiling. The analysis results show the quantity of water in PDAM Tangkiling regarding technical factors; as much as 63% of respondents stated that the distributed water meets the need for clean water. The quality of the water was distributed to several customers of PDAM Tangkiling; as many as 80% of respondents said that the water quality was cloudy, as many as 67% of respondents said that the quality of the water smelled, and as many as 56%respondents said water tasted </em><em>.</em><em>The continuity of water flow to several PDAM Tangkiling customers is scheduled daily for 12 hours, from 05 a.m to 05 p.m. Based on the research results, the linear regression equation is obtained as follows: Y = 0.285X1 + 0.396X2 + 0.386X3, and the mileage of each variable is positive.</em></p> 2024-05-02T13:56:16+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisa Kedalaman Gerusan di Batang Bangko akibat Banjir Bandang Tahun 2016 2024-05-13T15:27:39+07:00 Afif Kumala Ihsan Fidela Erina Marceli Revalin Herdianto Sadtim Sadtim <p>B</p> <p><em>Bangko River is one of tributaries in Batanghari River Basin that is originated from Solok selatan Regency. Bangko River had a flash flood on February 8<sup>th</sup>, 2016 that resulted in vast destruction of paddy field, residences, bridges, and flood plain. At several points along the river, some changes in river morphology were observed. These changes triggered some concern on safety of buildings and residencies along the riverbanks. Hence, there was a need of a study on changes of river behavior laterally and vertically for structural as well as non-structural measures to control morphological changes of the river. This study aims to find scour depth in current conditions due to various discharge schemes that might occur in Batang Bangko. Scour depth was analyzed using Lacey Channel Regime theory, </em><em>Blench equation (1969)</em><em>, </em><em>Blodgett equation (1986)</em><em>, </em><em>and</em> <em>Pemberton dan Lara equation (1984). Design rainfall was calculated using data from Padang Aro and Muaro Labuh rainfall station from year 2007-2021. Sediment gradation was analyzed at laboratory of Civil Engineering Departement, Politeknik Negeri Padang. The results of scour depth from formulas were compared with actual scour depth of Bangko River. The analysis revealed that with Q25 of 492 m3/s results in scour depth of 1,402 m (Lacey Formula (Novak, ET AL., 2007); 0,588 m of Blench formula, 1,535 m of Lacey formula (R.J. Garde, 2006); 1,361 m of Lacey formula (Direktorat Jendral Sumber Daya Air, 2013). This study concluded that actual scour of 1.1 m is the nearest to Lacey formula (Novak, ET AL., 2007).&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-13T15:27:38+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Karakteristik Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas pada Ruas Jalan Nasional Nagari Sungai Lansek Kabupaten Sijunjung dengan Menggunakan Metode Angka Ekivalen Kecelakaan (AEK) dan Teknik Korelasi 2024-05-18T23:15:09+07:00 Alfanda Trizia Fori Angelalia Roza Wilton Wahab Novy Haryati Meli Muchlian <p><em>The national road through Nagari Sungai Lansek, Sijunjung district (3 km long with an effective width of 7 meters) has a relatively high accident frequency where the total traffic accidents in the 2020-2022 range are always increasing. The aim of this research is to identify the factors that contribute to accidents at the research location. Specifically, the research locations are divided into three areas, namely Jorong Cilacap, Jorong Sikayan, and Jorong Sungai Ampang</em><em>. </em><em>The characteristics of the accidents observed are the type of accident, time of the accident, type of vehicle, and location of the accident. The analytical approach used in this research is the AEK (Accident Equivalent Analysis) method and correlation techniques. Based on the time of occurrence, the most diverse accidents were found between 06.00-19.00 with a total of 20 cases. Based on the type of vehicle most frequently involved in accidents, data was obtained on private cars and trucks for 17 cases. The type of accident that occurred most frequently was frontal collision with 11 cases. Based on the geographical context of the incident, a total of 11 incidents were observed in the Sungai Ampang area where driver factors contributed to a total of 17 incidents. The age range of drivers involved in accidents ranges from 16-30 years. Efforts to mitigate traffic accidents in the research area include implementing traffic education initiatives as well as implementing strict sanctions for road users who violate traffic regulations. Providing education regarding correct driving techniques and etiquette in traffic, as well as understanding the importance of traffic signs needs to be carried out in line with the provision of signs and improving road lighting at the study location.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-18T23:15:08+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##