Jurnal Teknik Mesin http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm <p><strong>Jurnal Teknik Mesin (e-ISSN: <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1492416509" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2655-5670</a>)&nbsp; </strong>adalah sebuah jurnal peer review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang teknik mesin.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US fardinal@pnp.ac.id (Fardinal) JanuarPutra@pnp.ac.id (Januar Putra) Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Pengujian Rusak Untuk Procedure Qualification Record Sambungan Kombinasi Las SMAW-FCAW Pada Material BS EN 10025 S355J2 Berdasarkan Standar AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1208 <p>PQR Qualification (Procedure Qualification Record) is an important part of welding. To ensures that the welding procedures used meet the quality requirements of the welding fabrication project. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of welding and material thickness resistance attest coupon. One way to determine welding qualifications by means of this procedure is to use damage testing which is carried out on the material and welding until it is damaged and meets the set standards. This research will discuss PQR based on the AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 standard by requiring two tensile test specimens, two sets of scharpy v-notch (a set of three specimens), four side bend specimens and one macro specimen. The number and type of specimens are set in the AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 standard. Results of testing tensile obtained the difference in tensile strength between specimens 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> specimens. The value obtained for tensile strength are 508 MPa and 515 MPa with 7 MPa of differences, but these results still with in the limits range of 470 to 630 MPa. Charpy impact testing obtained the results above required value of minimum 27 Joule. The surface bending test of the test specimen did not show any defect as well as in the macro testing. From the results of this tests, the quality of the welding and the thickness of the material can be determined.</p> Gulam Fazlur Rahman, Nugroho Pratomo Ariyanto, Benny Haddli Irawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1208 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 10:03:50 +0700 Analysis Of Water Harvester Machine Performance Using Single-Sided Thermoelectric Cooling http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1525 <p>This study addresses the urgent issue of global water scarcity, particularly in arid regions with limited access to conventional water sources. The performance of a water harvester equipped with single-sided thermoelectric cooling technology is evaluated to enhance water collection efficiency from the atmosphere. The primary objective of this research is to optimize the machine's performance by varying fan speeds and analyzing its impact on collected water volume. The methodology involves experiments conducted at three different fan speeds: 1000 RPM, 1500 RPM, and 2000 RPM, with each speed tested for three hours and data collected every 30 minutes. The observed variables include collected water volume, air temperature, and humidity. Results indicate that water collection efficiency increases with higher fan speeds, with 2000 RPM yielding the highest volume. However, efficiency declines after 90 minutes, mainly influenced by fluctuating external factors such as temperature and humidity. Additionally, increased fan speeds may result in higher energy consumption, which is a consideration for developing more energy-efficient machines. The study recommends further development to integrate automatic control systems capable of adjusting fan speeds based on environmental changes in temperature and humidity. The conclusion of this research is that thermoelectric cooling technology has significant potential for water harvesting, yet sustainable innovations are necessary for adaptation across diverse environmental conditions.</p> Dedi Nur Rezki, Jhonni Rahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1525 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 10:19:04 +0700 Perkembangan Kualitas Lubang Komposit Serat Daun Nanas dengan Menggurdi Bertahap Kecepatan Tinggi http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1604 <p>Composites are materials consisting of reinforcement and matrix. Reinforcing materials of composites consist of synthetic materials and natural fiber materials. One of the natural fibers that is currently being developed is pineapple leaf fiber, where several studies have found several ways to process pineapple leaf fiber so that it can be used as a substitute for synthetic fibers. One of the studies is looking for good machining parameters to process pineapple leaf fiber with a peck drilling canned cycle process which in this research objectives to see how the development of hole quality in the peck drilling canned cycle process. The stage in this research starts from the material being drilled with the stepwise dredging method, after the dredging process the holes are viewed using a digital microscope and then measured using Digimizer image processing software. The results of this study are roundness deviation, cylindricity deviation, axis perpendicularity deviation, and delamination ratio. The results obtained from this study will be subjected to statistical tests in order to obtain tested values using the ANOVA statistical test with the approach used, namely the fisher individual test in order to see the real impact of the machining process carried out.</p> Whiko Androser Mahdi, Ismet Hari Mulyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1604 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 10:46:29 +0700 Analisis Performa Kampas Rem Rekayasa Ramah Lingkungan: Peran Phenol Formaldehyde dan Aditif Biokomposit http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1623 <p>The issue of environmental damage is increasingly becoming a concern of the global community, including in the automotive industry. The use of environmentally friendly materials and the reduction of dependence on mineral-based or synthetic materials have become challenges that need to be overcome. Brake pads, as one of the components that have a vital role in a motor vehicle, are generally made of heavy metal materials, asbestos, and synthetic resins that can pollute the environment during the production process. The use of environmentally friendly raw materials such as wood powder, cocopeat and coconut shell carbon is an alternative in the brake pad production process. This study aims to analyze the performance of brake pads made of phenol formaldehyde with the addition of environmentally friendly biocomposites in the form of wood powder, cocopeat and coconut shell carbon. The method used is an experimental laboratory designed to evaluate the friction coefficient, wear rate, and microstructure of materials through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The results of the study show that this biocomposite brake pad has good wear resistance at high temperatures, especially with the carbon content of coconut shells which helps improve thermal stability. However, the value of the friction coefficient of brake pads still does not meet the minimum standard set by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 09-0143-1987, which indicates that this material is not yet fully feasible for automotive applications with high friction demands. Further research is needed to optimize the composition of materials, especially in increasing the friction coefficient to match industry standards.</p> Ahmad Bustomi, Hamid Ramadhan Nur, Rouf Muhammad, Mochamad Nuruz Zaman ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1623 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 11:04:44 +0700 Dampak Nilai Hardness berdasarkan Parameter Heat Input pada Proses Pengelasan GTAW untuk Material Superduplex Stainless Steel S32750 http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1363 <p>In this sophisticated era, the metal manufacturing process cannot be separated from welding process. Welding is a process of joining two metals using electrodes or filler metals which are commonly used in the world of fabrication and industry. Heat energy greatly affect the quality of the weld. Three parameter in heat energy is Ampere, Voltage and Heat input. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of heat input to value of hardness on materials Superduplex Stainless Steel S32750 with GTAW process welding. The hardness of the material is very important to determine the resistance of a material. In the fabrication process threre are still material that have a hardness value&nbsp; that exceeds the standard value of the material manufacture. The welding process is carried out from root, hotpass, fill pass and capping with five variations of heat input to five the specimen of the test object, then do the hardness test with Vickers with a test kit portable UCI Sonodur 3. The hardness test carried out on weld metal, base metal and heat affected zone. From the analysis carried out with five variations of heat input and comparing the hardness values at each test location, a low heat input of 0.97 kJ/mm resulted in the highest average hardness value of 299.2 HV in the base metal area, the area exposed to heat (HAZ) of 265.9 HV, and the weld metal area of 229.5 HV. Based on this, it can be concluded that the hardness value in GTAW welding with low heat input has the highest hardness value compared to high heat input.</p> Benny Haddli Irawan, Ihsan Saputra, M Ardiyansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1363 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 11:14:48 +0700 Analisis Sifat Mekanik dan Karakteristik Fisik Campuran Hidroksiapatit dari Tulang Sapi, Silika dengan Pengikat Resin sebagai Kandidat Implan Tulang http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1608 <p>Ceramic biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite (HA) and silica have been extensively studied due to their load-bearing capabilities in bone replacement and reconstruction applications. This study presents an analysis of the mechanical properties and physical characteristics of a mixture of bovine bone hydroxyapatite and silica with a resin binder as a candidate for bone implants. the objective of this research is to examine the effect of the quantity of hydroxyapatite grains and the composition of silica reinforcement particles on the mechanical and physical properties of the product. The methodology involves mixing bovine bone hydroxyapatite and silica in ratios of 90:10, 80:20, and 70:30. Subsequently, the specimens were molded and subjected to tensile tests to determine their tensile strength and elongation. Surface morphology analysis was conducted using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), while functional group and crystallographic analyses were performed using FTIR and XRD. the results indicate that the 70:30 composition provided the best outcomes, with a tensile strength of 13.07 MPa, compared to the 90:10 and 80:20 compositions, which had tensile strengths of 6.68 MPa and 12.96 MPa, respectively. The microstructure of the surface after tensile testing shows that the addition of silica can increase mechanical strength and reduce the porosity of the specimen surface.</p> Hengki Ebitra Yanda, Gunawarman Gunawarman, Jon Affi, Yuli Yetri ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1608 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 11:20:27 +0700 Identifikasi Cacat pada Proses Manufaktur Plastik Anti Bakteri menggunakan Mesin blown film http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1381 <p>One example of the current development of the plastic industry is Anti-Bacterial Plastic. Anti-bacterial plastic is a plastic that can store food well, even for a relatively long time compared to plastic in general. In the industrial world, companies are required to continue trying to find various ways and efforts to be able to compete with other companies that have the same business field. Defective products are products produced from a factory or industry where the product does not meet predetermined product quality standards. According to consumers, a good quality standard is if the product can be used according to consumer needs. However, if the product cannot be used according to consumer needs, then the product can be said to be a defective product. By analyzing defects in the antibacterial plastic manufacturing process, it can be useful to find problems that arise in the plastic packaging manufacturing process. The research method is carried out using a process of experimentation and measurement as well as checking defects visually. From the research results, three types of defects in anti-bacterial plastic products were found, namely eyelets, shrinkage and dimensional defects. These defects are characterized by spots on the plastic surface, wrinkles on the plastic surface, and dimensional differences in the plastic.</p> Hendra Hendra, Muhamad Awang, Mekro Permana Pinem, Dhimas Satria, Kurnia Nugraha, Reski Septiana, Ekasari Ekasari, Harly Demustila, Hernadewita Hernadewita, Frengki Hardian ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1381 Mon, 02 Dec 2024 10:28:08 +0700 Perancangan Ruang Pendingin Karkas Ayam Broiler Memanfaatkan Sumber Energi Hibrida http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1629 <p>Small-scale broiler farming in Indonesia often suffers losses due to high production costs. In addition to rising feed prices, these losses are frequently caused by chickens that are ready for harvest being unsold in the market due to a decline in purchasing power. One solution that farmers can implement is to slaughter the chickens at the appropriate harvest time and store the carcasses in cooling rooms to sell them when market prices increase. This study aims to design and specify cooling storage equipment to store broiler carcasses using a combination of commercial and solar energy sources. The research begins by determining the cooling load of the system, specifying refrigeration components, evaluating solar energy potential at the location, and designing the required electrical system. Solar energy potential was calculated based on meteorological data obtained from an online database and processed using the PvSyst 7.2 application. Based on the analysis, the cooling storage requires 4.69 kW of power to reach optimal temperature within 6 hours, with a COPR value of 2.2. Meanwhile, the solar energy potential at the installation site is 4.44 kWh/m²/day, enabling the solar power system (PLTS) to generate an estimated annual energy output of 1802 kWh with a Performance Ratio (PR) of 65.07% and a Solar Fraction (SF) of 91.85%.</p> Rahmat Hafiz, Haris Haris, Nota Effiandi, Rivanol Chadry, Feri Saputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1629 Mon, 02 Dec 2024 11:15:45 +0700 Rancang Bangun Oven Pengasapan Ikan Asap Menggunakan Metode Rotary http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1265 <p>Smoked fish has a high economic potential to be used as a business or to cook household food, so it is appropriate if this opportunity is developed by the community. One of the areas producing smoked fish is Kampar Regency. Based on the results of a survey conducted in the area of ​​the Koto Village Mosque (Kampung Patin) Kampar Regency, it was still found that the processing process carried out by the local community still uses traditional equipment, such as using rambutan wood as fuel and a fire stove placed outside the house during the smoking process, so that the temperature of the furnace combustion cannot be controlled properly and the quality of the resulting product is not good for large-scale production, because smoke and ash often stick to the fish meat, and the fish is not evenly cooked. One way that can be done to facilitate the process of making smoked fish is to create a smoking room that can inhibit heat energy by using a rotating system that can rotate. Small holes are also made in the iron pipe in the smoking room as a flow of smoke which aims to make the fish evenly cooked. The smoking process in the oven uses a rotating system or the fish will be rotated in the oven. This study was conducted in order to produce average smoking and this study includes the quality of appearance, odor quality, taste quality, texture quality, mushroom quality, and mucus. The smoking was carried out for 2 hours, 3 hours and 4 hours. The smoking oven was designed to have a smoke chamber capacity of 6 kg with a division of 1 kg / rack. The main part of the smoking oven machine is divided into two main parts including the smoke chamber and the combustion chamber. The smoke chamber has dimensions of 75 cm long, 50 cm wide and 120 cm high while the combustion chamber has dimensions of 100 cm long, 80 cm wide and 50 cm high. The best fish smoking results were obtained at a smoking time of 3 hours with an average fish shrinkage of 42.12%. This can be seen from the level of color and weight shrinkage.</p> Roni Novison, Nurcahya Nugraha, Amnur Akhyan ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1265 Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Rekomendasi Waktu Rem Minimum untuk Uji Layak Jalan Sepeda Motor Berdasarkan Ketebalan Brake Pad dengan Metode Taguchi http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1567 <p>One of the main factors ensuring the safety of motor vehicle riders is their braking system. This system plays a crucial role in slowing down or stopping the vehicle. The efficiency of braking in disc brake systems is influenced by various aspects, one of which is the level of wear on the brake pads. When brake pads wear out, their thickness decreases, which can affect braking performance. The thinner the brake pads, the longer the stopping time required, which can increase the risk of accidents. This study aims to educate motorcycle users, as many still use brake pads even when their thickness has reached the minimum limit of 2-3 mm. The methodology used in this research is a stationary test that varies the thickness of worn brake pads, specifically at 2 mm, 4 mm, and 6 mm conditions. Subsequently, the three brake pads were tested at safe speed limits, ranging from 20, 40, to 60 km/h, with normal braking loads of 4 kg, 5 kg, and 6 kg. The conclusion indicates that the effective stopping time for motorcycle brake pads should be between 1.07 and 1.13 seconds, showing that braking performance is still adequate at a brake pad thickness of 2-3 mm to prevent the risk of accidents.</p> Ian Hardianto Siahaan, Ninuk Jonoadji, Andre Welianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1567 Thu, 05 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Exergoeconomic Pada Kompresor Gas Engine Siklus Miller Berbahan Bakar Pome http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1636 <p>Energy efficiency is a crucial challenge in energy resource management. One innovative approach to improving efficiency is through exergy and exergoeconomic analysis. Exergy analysis considers not only the quantity of energy but also its quality, based on the second law of thermodynamics. Meanwhile, exergoeconomic analysis integrates exergy analysis with economic aspects, such as cost calculations. This study uses the Tandun Biogas Power Plant (PLTBg) as a case study to evaluate energy efficiency and operational costs. The analysis begins with the collection of economic data, including investment costs, fixed operation and maintenance (OM) costs, and variable OM costs.The results show that the investment cost is $0.016/kWh, fixed OM costs are $0.030/kWh, and variable OM costs are $0.009/kWh. The cost losses due to exergy destruction before the overhaul of the gas engine were recorded at $127.23/hour, with contributions from each component as follows: combustion chamber ($51.63/hour), compressor ($21.62/hour), and turbocharger ($53.98/hour). After the overhaul, the total cost losses significantly decreased to $3.3752/hour, with detailed losses from the combustion chamber ($1.168/hour), compressor ($2.193/hour), and turbocharger ($0.0142/hour). This study demonstrates that exergy and exergoeconomic analysis can identify significant opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs in biogas-based power plants. This approach serves as a practical guideline for optimizing energy systems in the renewable energy industry sector.</p> Ahmad Hasnul Fajri, Adriansyah Adriansyah, Hendri Candra Mayana, Desmarita Leni ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1636 Fri, 06 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Pembentukan Alur Trapesium Pada Pelat Galvanil dengan Proses Bead Roller Terhadap Frekuensi Alami Pada Kondisi Batas Jepit – Jepit http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1589 <p>Galvanized steel sheet is a low carbon steel that is often used in the manufacturing industry, especially in the automotive industry, this is because galvanized sheet has properties that are ductile, easy to form and resistant to corrosion, making it suitable for application as a vehicle body, but low carbon steel sheet has limitations on the level of stiffness of the sheet so that it will affect comfort due to vibration when applied to vehicle construction. The stiffness of the sheet can be increased by forming a groove profile through the rolling process and increasing the thickness of the sheet so that its stiffness and natural frequency value will increase. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of trapezoidal groove formation on the natural frequency of galvanized sheet by the rolling process using a bead rolling die with variations in groove width, groove depth and sheet thickness. The research method used is the experimental method, starting with the determination of the plate dimensions, the determination of the groove width and depth, the process of making groove profiles, the measurement and analysis of the results of the natural frequency values and plate stiffness. The dimensions of the test plates were 575 mm x 600 mm with thicknesses of 0.6 mm and 0.8 mm. The results showed that the increase in natural frequency and stiffness was affected by residual stress and plate thickness. The highest frequency obtained was 330.60 Hz on a plate with a groove width of 12 mm and a groove depth of 5 mm with a thickness of 0.8 mm, this result has increased compared to a smooth plate which is only 30.76 Hz.</p> Abimanyu Harsono, Anandri Indra Adipura, Erwanto Erwanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1589 Sat, 07 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengamatan Cacat Material Aluminium 6061 Proses Pemotongan Laser Menggunakan ESP32CAM http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1609 <p>Using high-pressure and high-temperature laser light emission techniques, laser cutting &nbsp;works to cut materials in such a way that components at the laser cutting &nbsp;point produce cutting &nbsp;results. However, the current problem is that laser cutting &nbsp;often produces material defects including protruding parts, burnt surfaces, and pores on the laser-cut parts. Given this problem, the purpose of this study is to develop a camera capable of identifying material defects caused by laser cutting . The research method is the preparation of 6061 aluminum material, the preparation of the ESP32CAM camera, and the preparation of laser cutting &nbsp;parameter settings. In order to run the ESP32CAM program, C and OpenCV programming languages ​​are needed to identify items with material defects, color images, histograms, and FPS are needed. The results of the study showed that detecting defects at the highest FPS reading of 15.57 and a histogram value of 250 at the x coordinate and 950000 at the y coordinate. Eight defects in the material were found using Open CV detection on the ESP32CAM camera sample 3. From this technique it can be concluded that ESP32CAM is capable of identifying material defects caused by laser cutting.</p> Rizki Aulia Nanda, Karyadi Karyadi, Tukino Tukino, Ade Suhara, Muhammad Nuzan Rizki; Muhammad Faiz Ramadhan, Khafid Khaulsar Akmal ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1609 Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Studi Kelayakan Pemanfaatan PV sebagai Sumber Energi Ruang Pendingin Karkas Ayam Broiler http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1631 <p>When chicken prices drop, farmers often extend the harvesting period, which inevitably increases production costs. An alternative solution is to store chickens as carcasses in cooling storage. Indonesia has significant solar energy potential for the implementation of solar cooling storage technology to reduce electricity costs as a power source for cooling storage. This study aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of designing solar cooling storage with a one-ton carcass capacity. The research method involved analyzing the costs of implementing cooling storage by comparing the costs of electricity sourced from PLN, solar energy using PV, and extending the harvesting period by up to 10 days. The analysis results showed that the designed cooling storage had a capacity of 12 m³, and the production costs for storing carcasses using hybrid PLN and PV electricity were more efficient than using PLN electricity alone. This cost-saving approach is significantly more efficient than the production costs incurred when farmers extended the harvesting period. In terms of economic feasibility, the BEP values for PLN and PV electricity sources were 18.86 and 21.02 years, respectively. The calculations showed a BEP difference of approximately 5 years between PLN and PV electricity; however, economically, PV systems were more advantageous in the long term.</p> Mutiara Efendi, Reodhy Hamzah, Vamellia Sari Indah Negara, Maheka Restu Araliz ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1631 Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengupas Kulit Kacang Tanah Menggunakan Motor Listrik Dengan Tipe Silinder Horizontal Menggunakan Bahan Pisau ST 37 http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1603 <p>Peanuts are a plant that is widely cultivated in Indonesia, but the process of peeling the skin is still often done manually, which requires a lot of time and effort. To increase efficiency in this process, a peanut peeling machine with a horizontal cylinder design was developed. This innovation is designed to make it easier for farmers and small entrepreneurs to peel peanuts with a larger production capacity. This peeling machine is equipped with a nut discharge regulation system and uses a 1 Hp electric motor with a speed of 1400 rpm which is transmitted to 700 rpm. The stripping process is carried out by putting the dried peanuts into the hopper, then the knife cylinder rotates to separate the husks from the peanuts. The system is supported by a belt and pulley mechanism that ensures smooth operation of the machine. The test results showed that this machine was able to peel peanuts with a capacity of 64 kg/hour, providing a significant increase in productivity when compared to manual methods. This machine is expected to provide a more efficient solution for the agricultural industry and home businesses in peanut processing.</p> Sir Anderson, Yuliarman Yuliarman, Maimuzar Maimuzar, Nasirwan Nasirwan, Nusyirwan Nusyirwan, Nofriadi Nofriadi, Netri Elisma, Farhan Filza Insani ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1603 Fri, 13 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Rancang Bangun Mesin Penepung Pakan Ternak Multifungsi Untuk Kelompok Tani Berkah Mandiri http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1653 <p>Animal feed is one of the essential components supporting livestock growth and development. High-quality feed can significantly enhance farm productivity. However, in the preparation of feed in powdered form, efficient machinery is often required to process raw materials into fine particles. This study aims to design and develop a multifunctional animal feed grinder capable of processing various raw materials, such as corn, rice husks, oil palm fronds, wild grass, and straw, into fine powder. The machine is designed with a power output of 4,856.95 watts, utilizing a 6.5 HP gasoline engine, and has a production capacity of 11.34 kg/hour at 3,600 rpm. The trial results demonstrated the machine's production capacity for each material per hour: corn at 32.2 kg, rice husks at 22.9 kg, oil palm fronds at 30.2 kg, wild grass at 16.5 kg, and straw at 10.8 kg. This multifunctional grinder is expected to assist farmer groups in processing animal feed more efficiently and effectively.</p> Hendri Candra Mayana, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Nofriadi Nofriadi, Dito Farizal Z, Elsy Kumala Putri ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1653 Tue, 17 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Metanol Terhadap Karakteristik Bahan Bakar Biogasoline Berbahan Baku Limbah Plastik Hasil Pirolisis http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1522 <p>The increasing volume of plastic waste and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves have encouraged the search for renewable energy alternatives. This study examines the use of the pyrolysis process on plastic waste to produce biogasoline and optimises the characteristics of the fuel by adding methanol concentration. The pyrolysis process, conducted at 3500C, produces plastic oil, which is then mixed with methanol in various concentrations (5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%). The effect of methanol addition on the physical characteristics of biogasoline, including the Research Octane Number (RON) value, density, viscosity, heating value, and flash point, was analysed. The results showed that the addition of methanol concentration gave the highest RON value of 83.3, while the 10% methanol concentration produced the highest calorific value of 53,865 j/g. The addition of methanol concentration also had a positive effect on increasing the flash point of the fuel. This study also shows the potential of biogasoline made from plastic waste as an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative fuel.</p> Rotama Arifin Sidabutar, Enzo W.B Siahaan, Hodmiantua Sitanggang ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1522 Wed, 18 Dec 2024 09:19:06 +0700 Pengaruh Jenis Biomassa dalam Proses Karbonisasi terhadap Efisiensi Burner Tipe GT40 http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1406 <p>The use of biochar as an organic fertilizer has gained significant attention in the agricultural field. Biochar application can enhance soil fertility and promote agricultural sustainability. Converting agricultural waste into biochar can reduce dependency on chemical fertilizers. Incorporating biochar into the soil improves water retention and nutrient availability. This study aims to evaluate the effect of biomass types (bromelain and bamboo) during the carbonization process on burner efficiency in biochar production.The study utilized bromelain biomass, bamboo biomass, and a mixture of the two at a 50% bromelain and 50% bamboo ratio. The raw materials were carbonized using a rotary drum reactor. The reactor operated with heat supplied by a High-Speed Diesel (HSD)-fueled burner. The carbonizer reached a maximum temperature of 600°C. In addition to biochar, the carbonization process also produced syngas, which was subsequently used to substitute HSD as a fuel source.The results indicated that the type of biomass significantly influenced burner efficiency during the carbonization process. Biochar derived from bamboo tended to have a higher cellulose content, whereas biochar from bromelain exhibited greater thermal decomposition stability. This study provides new insights into the potential of utilizing bromelain and bamboo biochar as sustainable strategies for agricultural soil management.The research demonstrated that biomass type selection during carbonization had a substantial impact on burner efficiency, which ranged from 81.15% to 84.45%. The HSD consumption of the burner was recorded at 35.03 kJ/hour. The use of biochar as an organic fertilizer offers an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution. Converting agricultural waste into biochar can serve as a strategic agenda for agricultural waste management.</p> Hadi Prayitno, Ragil Alvin Dinata, Amrul Amrul, Dondi Kurniawan, Rizal Nazarudin, Eko Wahyu Saputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1406 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 15:17:29 +0700 Analisa Variasi Jumlah Mata Pisau Pada Mesin Pengiris Bawang Merah http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1612 <p>The slicing process of shallots using simple tools remains a major obstacle to increasing production capacity and efficiency in the processing industry. To address these limitations, an analysis of the blade count variation in shallot slicing machines is required to produce more efficient and uniform slices. This study aims to optimize the shallot slicing process, enhance production efficiency, and evaluate machine performance with blade count variations of 2, 3, and 4 blades.The methods employed include documentation, direct experimental observation, and systematic data collection through treatment of experimental variables. The results show that the use of 2, 3, and 4 blades yields slicing capacities of 62 kg/hour, 70 kg/hour, and 78 kg/hour, respectively, with an average slice thickness ranging from 0.8 to 1.1 mm.These findings indicate that the number of blades significantly affects slicing productivity and efficiency, with the 4-blade configuration demonstrating the best performance. This study provides valuable insights for developing more effective and efficient shallot slicing machines, contributing to increased productivity in the shallot processing industry.</p> Tengku Jukdin Saktisahdan, Alvin Bahari ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1612 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Kajian Eksperimental Pengering Kopi Hybrid dengan Sistem Kontrol Temperatur Berbasis Mikrokontroler http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1605 <p>This study aims to determine the performance of a hybrid coffee dryer with a microcontroller-based temperature control system. The heating sources used are sunlight and electric heater. The type of coffee used is liberica. The research method used is experimental, with the independent variable being time and the dependent variables being temperature and mass. Data collection was carried out for 4 consecutive days, starting at 09.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB with a data collection interval of every 20 minutes. The data measured were the temperature inside and outside the drying room and the mass of coffee before and after the drying process. Data analysis was done based on graphs, determining the drying rate and testing the coffee moisture content. The results showed that the average temperature difference measured inside and outside the drying room for 4 consecutive days was 17.21 oC. The total reduction in coffee mass in the dryer for 4 consecutive days was 572 grams with an average drying rate of 23.83 grams/hour. The results of coffee moisture content testing showed that the hybrid coffee dryer reduced coffee moisture content from 56.01% to 8.79%.</p> Iklas Sanubary, Pande Putu Agus Santoso, Suhendra Suhendra ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1605 Tue, 24 Dec 2024 10:34:43 +0700 Pengaruh Penambahan Tangki Pengumpul Kondensat Terhadap Penghematan Energi Boiler Cochran pada PT. Eastern Pearl Flour Mills http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1661 <p>One effort for saving the energy in the production process is the reuse wasted energy from these productions. This study aimed (1) to determine the effectiveness of the addition of the condensate steam collector tank collection tank on the return pipe line of the boiler on the saving capacity of the Cochran boiler, which was determined based on the boiler efficiency, the fuel consumption, and the amount of water impurity (TDS);(2). to determine the balance between the mass system and the energy boiler system as one of the effectiveness evaluation system of the additionall condensate collector tank. This research was conducted at PT. Eastern Pearl Foulr Mills, Makassar – more specifically at the boiler section and power station. The method used was that the data were collected and processed before and after the condensate collector tank was installed. Thus, it was expected that the difference showing the effect of the additional tank on the energy saving of boiler system. Besides, the research would also determine the conditions of each line point of the working fluid path; next, the efficiency of the boiler, the consumption of the fuel and the amount of the water impurity in the fluid working path would be determined; finally, the mass and the energy balance of the existing system would be determined. The research result revealed that efficiency before the installation was 52.72 % in average, and after the installation was 64.55 % in average. Before the installation of the condensate collector tank, the average fuel consumption was 94.39 kg/hour, while after the installation the average fuel consumption was 75.45 kg/hour. The reason was that the water used tended to be cleaner as seen in the lower TDS than before the installation. Then, the fuel energy of 849. 45 kW was able to produce useful steam energy of 556. 94 kW.</p> Juhamri Juhamri, Sri Astuty, Hikmayani Subur ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1661 Wed, 25 Dec 2024 17:41:52 +0700 Pembuatan dan Pengujian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga MikroHidro (PLTMH) Turbin Turgo http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1470 <p>The construction and testing of a micro-hydro power plant (PLTMH) is one of the uses of water power sourced from irrigation channels of waste water from turbines located on the underground floor of the Koto Panjang PLTA, Kampar Regency. The construction and testing of a micro-hydro power plant by utilizing a small water discharge with the height of the irrigation channel as an energy source to rotate the turbine and generator. This study aims to increase lighting on the underground floor of the PLTA because on the lowest floor there are several points that do not yet have lighting, therefore the researcher made a micro-hydro power plant and tested how much power is obtained from the small water discharge. The study was conducted by measuring the water discharge so that it can be known how much voltage will be produced from the PLTMH that was made. The method used in this study is an experimental method, namely by making a micro-hydro power plant and testing it at that location. A micro-hydro power plant with a water discharge of 0.010 m3/s using a 12 Volt DC generator and an average turbine rotation of 243.0 Rpm can produce a voltage of 3,830 Volts. It can power one 3.8 Volt LED lamp with 2600 mAh.</p> Eka Erwanto, Abrar Ridwan, Sunaryo Sunaryo ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal2.pnp.ac.id/index.php/jtm/article/view/1470 Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700