Programmable Logic Controller and actuator pneumatic
PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) is a system with electronic design for industrial needs. The idea of PLC use memory to save the program, which more instruction need to move function, logically program, sequence, timer, counter, and mathematical operation. It can use for several of machine.
1. Frank D, Petruzella, Sumanto, Elektronik Industri, Edisi 1, Cetakan ke-1, Penerbit Andi,Yogyakarta, 721h, 2001
2. FST- Festo Shoftware Tool, FST FEC Version 3.2 Shareware, Copyright By Festo Germany, Devision Cybenetic, D-73734 Esslingen, 46p,1997
3. G. Prede, D. Scholz, Williams Konzept, Buku Teks Tingkat Dasar TP.201, Festo Didactic GmbH & Co, D-73770., 172h, 2000
4. John. W, Ronald A. Reis, Programmable Logic Controllers, Priciple and Aplications, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Sinddle River, New Jersey, Columbus, Ohio, 443p, 1999
5. R. Ackermann, J.Franz, T. Hartmann, A. Hopf, M. Kantel, B. Plagemann, Programmable Logic Controllers, Tingkat Dasar TP 301, Buku Teks, Festo Didactic KG, Esslingen, 178h, 1994.
6. R. Ackermann, J.Franz, T. Hartmann, A. Hopf, M. Kantel, B. Plagemann, Programmable Logic Controllers, Advance Level, Festo Didactic KG, Esslingen, 206p, 1991
2. FST- Festo Shoftware Tool, FST FEC Version 3.2 Shareware, Copyright By Festo Germany, Devision Cybenetic, D-73734 Esslingen, 46p,1997
3. G. Prede, D. Scholz, Williams Konzept, Buku Teks Tingkat Dasar TP.201, Festo Didactic GmbH & Co, D-73770., 172h, 2000
4. John. W, Ronald A. Reis, Programmable Logic Controllers, Priciple and Aplications, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Sinddle River, New Jersey, Columbus, Ohio, 443p, 1999
5. R. Ackermann, J.Franz, T. Hartmann, A. Hopf, M. Kantel, B. Plagemann, Programmable Logic Controllers, Tingkat Dasar TP 301, Buku Teks, Festo Didactic KG, Esslingen, 178h, 1994.
6. R. Ackermann, J.Franz, T. Hartmann, A. Hopf, M. Kantel, B. Plagemann, Programmable Logic Controllers, Advance Level, Festo Didactic KG, Esslingen, 206p, 1991
How to Cite
Rakiman, R., Menhendry, M., & Nusyirwan, N. (2020). ALAT SIMULASI SISTEM KONTROL MEKATRONIK DENGAN PLC. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 1(1), 35-41. Retrieved from