Desain Sepatu Antiselip untuk Roda Truk Colt Diesel di Jalan Berlumpur

  • Dani Tri Wahyudi Magister Teknik Mesin Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta
  • Deni Shidqi Khaerudini Magister Teknik Mesin, Universitas Mercubuana Jakarta
Keywords: Anti-slip shoes, Diesel colt, Wheel slip, Traction simulation, Oil palm truck


The rains will make a serious problem for the transportation sector in Indonesia, especially in areas that do not have permanent access roads (asphalt or concrete roads). Heavy vehicles such as oil palm trucks will go into the skid when crossing muddy dirt roads, and it makes an impact on the logistics delivery process. It is necessary for designing a support system, especially on the part of the wheel, to reduce the risk of skidding or rolling. Anti-slip shoe wheels of the colt diesel double (CDD) type truck is used on the rear-wheel-drive as a tool for handling slippage. Calculations and corrections are performed for maximum traction of the ground rolling resistance at ≥ 396 kg. Furthermore, the value of soil cohesion and soil shear angle was determined from the previous studies. In this study, a calculation simulation was carried out to obtain the design of the main components of an antislip wheel of a truck, which is in the form of a traction rod fin using steel UNP SNI 07-0052-2006 with a fin depth of 4.5 cm and a length of 20 cm. These dimensions are effective enough to increase the truck wheel traction of 8 tons when used to cross muddy roads with a maximum water content of 59.6% and a minimum cohesion value of land (C) of 0.108 kg/cm2


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How to Cite
Wahyudi, D., & Khaerudini, D. (2020). Desain Sepatu Antiselip untuk Roda Truk Colt Diesel di Jalan Berlumpur. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 13(1), 6-12.